Cerny and Galina in Telc

Galina being ready for the trip to Telc
Galina being ready for the trip to Telc
All 4 dogs packed and ready to go.
All 4 dogs packed and ready to go.
A walk through the park, with the wonderful Castle in the background.
A walk through the park, with the wonderful Castle in the background.
Anne-Lise with her little beauty Zelenka
Anne-Lise with her little beauty Zelenka
All 4 dogs playing at the hotel.
All 4 dogs playing at the hotel.
Cernys win.
Cernys win.
Galina BOS
Galina BOS
Galina 2nd at Horak Memorial, judged by Jitka Paulinova
Galina 2nd at Horak Memorial, judged by Jitka Paulinova
Cerny with his trophy.
Cerny with his trophy.
Galina winning veteran bitch
Galina winning veteran bitch
Galina winning best veteran
Galina winning best veteran

In May 2019 we went to the annual Cesky meeting in Telc, CZ. I went with Anne-Lise from Norway and her 2 lovely dogs, Amirál and Zelenka.

I brought Cerny and Galina.

Saturday Cerny was taking part at the funny competition "Bierhanzel Memorial" which is a combination of obedience and agility...and he was no. 1 of about 30 dogs 🙂.

On Sunday Galina was at the Clubshow. There where 39 bitches signed up for the show and the old lady won best veteran, best bitch, BOS and then was 2. in Horak Memorial. This was her best win in CZ, and then at an age of 11 years 🙂. 

We had a lovely (and cold) time in Telc and hope to get back in 2020 🙂.

Seneste kommentarer

20.09 | 19:11

Hej Heidi,
Vi har fået anden hund i mellemtiden. Det blev en Welsh terrier.
Tak fordi du skrev til mig.

20.09 | 08:23

Hej Maria-Louise. Som du kan se er der kommet hvalpe i Norge.

08.03 | 19:28

Hejsa 😉. Nej desværre har jeg ikke selv planer om hvalpe, da min tæve er snart 12 år, men jeg hjælper dig gerne med evt at finde en til den tid 😃. Skriv til mig på min mail

08.03 | 19:09

Har du planer om hvalpe for året 2021, nærmere bestemt sensommeren?
Eller skulle du kende nogen, som har planer for hvalpe i den periode, så vil jeg blive mægtig glad for at høre fra dig.

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